Ghost Ships

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Ghost Ships
Ghost Ship Voucher.png


Type Redeemable


Other Ghost Ship Vouchers

Ghost Ships are special ships available only by redeeming Ghost Ship Vouchers at the Ghostship Merchant NPC at Freeport. There are five types of Ghost Ship Vouchers: Blue vouchers released in 2016, Red vouchers released in 2017, Green vouchers released in 2021, Yellow vouchers released in 2022, and Purple vouchers released in 2023. Ghost ships are exactly similar to normal ships, except for the fact that they will turn into a transparent, glowing silhouette at night. The wood type of a ghost ship is randomly determined when it is redeemed, being denoted by a prefix corresponding to the wood, with the wood also affecting the color of its silhouette.

Wood & Silhouette Color
Prefix Wood Silhouette Color
Ghostly Ash White
Ghastly Grimewood Green
Ghoulish Ironwood Light Blue
Spooky Ebony Dark Blue
Spectral Inyolan Oak Magenta
Demonic Blood Oak Red
Hallowed Angelwood Gold

This list is currently incomplete.

The daytime material of the hull may be changed using Ghostship Hull Plans, sold by the Freeport NPC for 10 loyalty tokens. This will not affect the color of the nighttime ghost material.

Redeemable Ships

Blue Ghost Ship Vouchers (2016)
Ship Voucher Cost
Starling 1
Bullet 2
Marauder 3
Widgeon 4
Serpent 5
Stiletto 5
Neptune 20
Red Ghost Ship Vouchers (2017)
Ship Voucher Cost
Pelican 1
Starling 1
Dart 1
Pheasant 2
Kestrel 2
Goose 4
Marlin 4
Manta 5
Cutlass 6
Kraken 10
Poseidon 20
Green Ghost Ship Vouchers (2021)
Ship Voucher Cost
Taipan 1
Hook 3
Osprey 6
Tyrant 6
Retaliator 7
Mastiff 10
Pigeon 10
Binglehopper 20
Yellow Ghost Ship Vouchers (2022)
Ship Voucher Cost
Chimera 1
Corsair 1
Mule 1
Grouse 2
Kirin 2
Camel 3
Gryphon 3
Sigil 3
Gargoyle 4
Reaper 5
Purple Ghost Ship Vouchers (2023)
Ship Voucher Cost
Ibis 1
Falchion 1
Brigand 2
Mercury 2
Albatross 3
Ceres 4


  • A ghost Astraeus and Atlas could also originally be redeemed for 10 Blue and Red vouchers respectively, however this was removed when the Atlas and Astraeus were made uncraftable on the April 20th, 2021 update.

See also