
From Tradelands Wiki
Revision as of 04:22, 9 March 2022 by Zachgaudio (talk | contribs) (Revamped description. The Goose does not, in fact, have the second highest cargo capacity.)

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Type Fluyt
Role Mercantile
Hull Strength 12000
Speed 8
Armament 8x Medium Cannon, 1x Light Cannon (Stern)
Max Cargo 16
Round Shot Storage Storage for 40 Cannon Balls


Metal 80
Wood 450
Doubloons 34500
Level 7
Shipwright-Buddy.pngShipwright says... The Goose's wide hull allows her to carry an abundance of cargo while still being decently armed.

The Goose is a large, fairly early trade ship known for its competent cargo capacity while still being decently well armed. The stern gun is especially useful for firing at chasing pirates, and the height of the two top deck cannons give it a range not to be dismissed. Despite these factors, the Goose is a fairly large target compared to other ships at its level and fairly slow, so care should be taken when engaging in combat or in servers with high pirate populations.


  • The Goose possesses two similar Fluyt variants: The Steam Goose, with an engine and mortar, and the Widgeon, which trades cargo capacity and the rear chaser for bow chasers and a better overall cannon layout.

See also