
From Tradelands Wiki
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Table of Items by Category
Woods Oak Mahogany Elm Ash Cherry Ironwood Ebony Pine Spruce Angelwood Grimewood Blood Oak
Heartwood Pwnwood Moorian Hardwood Holy Angelwood Glowood Coldwood Plumwood Lemonwood Red Oak Blue Pine Western Greenwood Maple
Cedar Yew Osage Acacia
Metals Iron Cast Iron Steel Copper Silver Gold Pursteel Emerald Ruby Amethyst Sapphire Onyx
Salt Electrosteel Ice Blued Steel Hardened Pursteel Skelestone Colebalt Tuanite Nahrsteinium Sand Sepsteel Composition L
Brekonium Lysian Steel Becconium Charged Amethyst Charged Emerald Charged Ruby Charged Sapphire Chrome Deathmetal Frosteel Glass Glowsteel
Holiconium Magmite Marble Moonstone Natnite Pink Glowsteel Rusted Iron Santanite Skyrite Solsteel Stalinium Stone
Verdantium Caterian Bronze Brass Polished Brass Titanium Niobium
Miscellaneous Stackables Doubloons Premium Tokens Loyalty Tokens Featherstones Scrap Saltpeter Coal High-Quality Mold Lord Gaben's Blessing Beeswax Fish Oil Carpenter's Mallet Blacksmith's Hammer
Round Shot Swivel Ammunition Flintlock Ammunition Caplock Ammunition Bolts Gunpowder Saltpeter Coal
Cannons Long Guns Carronades Mortars Swivel Gun Cannon Repair Kit

Terry Cannon Conversion

Furniture Carpentry Station Furniture from Carpentry Station Blacksmithing Station Furniture from Blacksmithing Station Candlemaking Station Candle Furniture from Special Furniture Vendor Furniture from Brek Berkerson Gramophone Pumpkins Candles Color-Changing Light
Toys Event Rewards
Accessories Capes Night Morphs Ghost Morphs ABDOMINALS Abs Lanternman Powder Keg Parrot Personal Steam Engine Pain In The Neck Ghost Pal Gutlass
Custom Weapon Parts To be added
Fish Ballyhoo Mullet Trout Red Drum Tarpon Mackerel Tuna Marlin
Ship Parts Steam Engine Parts Blessed Engine Parts Advanced Engine Blank Cladifier Pine Decking Spruce Decking Empty Barrel Mortar Platform Voucher Taipan Voucher Mark of Nahrluminati Kraken Voucher Ghost Ship Voucher (Blue & Red)
Dull Dye Normal Dye Vibrant Dye Standard Wheel Sturdy Wheel Banded Wheel Gilded Wheel Heavy Wheel Undead Captain Figurehead Republic Guard Figurehead King's Knight Figurehead Regent Figurehead
Mermaid Figurehead Mermaid (Bow) Figurehead Mermaid (Torch) Figurehead Mercat Figurehead Eagle Figurehead Angel Figurehead Protein Shake Figurehead Warrior Figurehead Samurai Figurehead Mystic Wizard Figurehead Poseidon Figurehead Kraken Figurehead
Mozart Figurehead Headless Horseman Figurehead Poseidon Upgrade Mercury Upgrade Neptune Upgrade Jinglehopper Upgrade
Consumables Hardtack Salt Water Lime Juice Protein Shake Chocolate Spoiled Hardtack Candy
Tools Stone Axe Stone Pickaxe Map Axe Pickaxe Torch Fishing Rod Paddle Lantern
Spyglasses Spyglass Whitecrestian Spyglass Nova Balreskan Spyglass Officer's Spyglass Merchant's Spyglass Comically Small Spyglass
Weapons Dagger Short Sword Rapier Smallsword Stiletto Tomahawk Sabre Battleaxe Cutlass Balreskan Longsword Balreskan Warhammer Hallengard Axe
Hallengard Dagger Whitecrest Halbard Kris Scimitar Glowsaber Katana Sledgehammer Scythe Khopesh Tactical Trout Tactical Mackerel Tactical Tuna
Tactical Marlin
Ranged Weapons Flintlock Pistol Musket Officer's Pistol Long Musket Flintlock Rifle
Caplock Pistol Caplock Musket Mars Caplock Rifle
Light Crossbow Hand Crossbow Heavy Crossbow
Derringer Flintlock Axe Blunderblaster
Miscellaneous other Artifact Repair Kits