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1,038 bytes added ,  21:20, 10 April 2021
Updated with blurbs provided by epicmon
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=== [[Kingdom of Whitecrest]] ===
=== [[Kingdom of Whitecrest]] ===
The Kingdom of Whitecrest is the oldest player-led faction in the game that has lasted to present day. It is ruled by a monarch, who is chosen by their predecessor prior to their in-roleplay death or abdication.  
The oldest faction on the Grand Isles, Whitecrest has a long and storied history. Ruled by a King, the faction was long regarded as hegemon of the region, but as of late, they have declined some in power. They are currently allied with Nassau. Their territories include their home port, Whitecrest, as well as Fenwick.  
=== [[Nova Balreska]] ===
=== [[Nova Balreska]] ===
Nova Balreska is a nation fraught with political challenges, yet has survived since its creation among the ashes of the fallen [[Verdantine Sovereignty]]. The [[Verner Expedition]] that established the new state came from the far-off land of Balreska, and carried its republican ideals to the Grand Isles.  
Nova Balreska has fought throughout its existence with countless invasions, coups, and overthrows. However, like tempered steel, the faction is strong from its experiences. In recent times, warring parties have unified under Nova Balreska to create a powerful navy. Although the faction was formerly ruled by an Admiral Junta, it has currently returned to democracy, electing a Chancellor to serve them. Their territories include their home port, Nova Balreska, as well as the islands of Perth and Fort Verner.
=== [[Republic of Nassau]] ===
=== [[Republic of Nassau]] ===
The Republic of Nassau is a fledgling nation on the southern end of the Grand Isles. Having recently overthrown their oppressive ducal monarch, the people of Nassau have established a democratic system to rule over the archipelago.
Nassau is a fledgling navy with big ambitions to gain power on the Grand Isles. With no lack of determination, Nassau has thrust themselves into recent conflict to maintain and reclaim their territories. The faction is ruled by a democratically elected Governor. They are currently allied with Whitecrest. Their territories include their home island, Nassau, as well as the fort to the east, Saint Christopher.
=== [[Blackwind Pirates]] ===
=== [[Blackwind Pirates]] ===
The Blackwind Pirates are an anarchic group of crews all calling Blackwind Cove home. They are bands of brigands and marauders, set on plundering the riches of the Grand Isles. Traders beware.  
Arrrr! Blackwind is a faction composed of many crews, each seeking their fame and fortune by plundering the navies of the Grand Isles. Throughout history, they have brought great misfortune to the region and its inhabitants. Recognizable crews with enough members gain a seat at the Captain's Table, a hub where Captains discuss their trophies of war and ambitions. They are de-facto ruled by a combat-elected Pirate King, who makes faction-wide decisions, but crews individually are free to act and do on their own accord, choosing to side with anyone they like (or no one at all). They call Blackwind Cove home, using it as a base of operations for their pillaging.
== Former Factions ==
== Former Factions ==
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=== [[Hallengard]] ===
=== [[Hallengard]] ===
Hallengard was a coalition of mercenaries from the far north, called in by [[Nova Balreska]] to lord over the former [[Fort Verner]]. They became their own political power in the Grand Isles until Verner's reconquest by [[Nova Balreska]].  
The former viking chiefdom of Hallengard was dissolved when the warriors of the faction sailed out for new opportunity, leaving the faction behind. With Hallengard's navy disbanded, all that remain are viking remnant on the Isle of Fort Verner, which was reclaimed by Nova Balreska following the chiefdom's disband.
Hallengard is still playable in-game, but has no presence in faction roleplay.  
Hallengard is still playable in-game, but has no presence in faction roleplay.  


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