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Factions are a dynamic part of Tradelands's lore and gameplay. Players must choose a faction every time they enter the game, though their selection is non-binding, and players can select a different faction upon rejoining. Many factions have a lore-significant counterpart, including player-run governments and navy hierarchy. Other factions may be run by Tradelands developers and moderators, who act on their own mysterious motives. Each faction, playable or otherwise, has a significant impact on the Tradelands community.
== Playable Factions ==
These factions can play a role in ongoing Tradelands lore, and can be joined by any player on the official Tradelands Discord server.
=== [[Kingdom of Whitecrest]] ===
The Kingdom of Whitecrest is the oldest player-led faction in the game that has lasted to present day. It is ruled by a monarch, who is chosen by their predecessor prior to their in-roleplay death or abdication.
=== [[Nova Balreska]] ===
Nova Balreska is a nation fraught with political challenges, yet has survived since its creation among the ashes of the fallen [[Verdantine Sovereignty]]. The [[Verner Expedition]] that established the new state came from the far-off land of Balreska, and carried its republican ideals to the Grand Isles.
=== [[Republic of Nassau]] ===
The Republic of Nassau is a fledgling nation on the southern end of the Grand Isles. Having recently overthrown their oppressive ducal monarch, the people of Nassau have established a democratic system to rule over the archipelago. 
=== [[Blackwind Pirates]] ===
The Blackwind Pirates are an anarchic group of crews all calling Blackwind Cove home. They are bands of brigands and marauders, set on plundering the riches of the Grand Isles. Traders beware.
== Former Factions ==
These factions have been discontinued in the ongoing Tradelands lore. Each were formerly playable.
=== [[Verdantine Sovereignty]] ===
The Verdantine Sovereignty was a dictatorship situated where [[Nova Balreska]] is today. Its government was displaced by the [[Verner Expedition]] after a failed war of subjugation against them.
=== [[Hallengard]] ===
Hallengard was a coalition of mercenaries from the far north, called in by [[Nova Balreska]] to lord over the former [[Fort Verner]]. They became their own political power in the Grand Isles until Verner's reconquest by [[Nova Balreska]].
Hallengard is still playable in-game, but has no presence in faction roleplay.
=== [[Verner Expedition]] ===
The Verner Expedition was a group of expeditionaries displaced when their native Balresk was attacked by an unknown power. After landing on [[Fort Verner]], they were attacked by the [[Verdantine Sovereignty]]. They won, and displaced the Verdantines to become [[Nova Balreska]]. 
== Non-Player Character (NPC) Factions ==
These factions are developer-controlled, and unlikely to be playable in Tradelands any time soon.
=== [[Inyola]] ===
A mysterious superpower to the far east. Fond of junk-rigged sails.
=== [[Purshovian Federation]] ===
A superpower to the west of the Grand Isles, and known for their ironclad technology.
=== [[Burkeland]] ===
A midweight power to the direct north of the Grand Isles. They are known to intervene when the balance of power is disrupted.


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