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Whitecrest is one of the original factions of Tradelands, having been in the game since release. It is a monarchy, led by a King, whose second-in-command is the Minister of the Navy. The King has unrestricted power in choosing his heir. As such, relatively few leadership struggles have arose within Whitecrest over its history.  
Whitecrest is one of the original factions of Tradelands, having been in the game since release. It is a monarchy, led by a King, whose second-in-command is the Minister of the Navy. The King has unrestricted power in choosing his heir. As such, relatively few leadership struggles have arose within Whitecrest over its history.  
The Kingdom of Whitecrest was a former subject of the Empire of [[Inyola]], until it rebelled under the command of then-Viceroy and later King Taborak. It has been in several previous wars and alliances, having been allied to every other player-controlled faction at one time or another and having fought every player controlled faction except for the [[Verner Expedition]]. Whitecrest currently controls Perth, having occupied it following the War of Rhonor's Folly in Autumn 2018.  
The Kingdom of Whitecrest was a former subject of the Empire of [[Inyola]], until it rebelled under the command of then-Viceroy and later King Taborak. It has been in several previous wars and alliances, having been allied to every other player-controlled faction at one time or another and having fought every player controlled faction except for the [[Verner Expedition]].  
== Leaders ==
== Leaders ==


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