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1 byte added ,  22:43, 13 November 2020
added a space lol
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As part of past joke changes-of-leadership, captainDennyV, v0ws, and dogdan17 have both previously been "King" of Whitecrest for a short period of time.
As part of past joke changes-of-leadership, captainDennyV, v0ws, and dogdan17 have both previously been "King" of Whitecrest for a short period of time.
On December 15th of 2019 island of Whitecrest wasupdated, adding a park and additional houses. A statue of the former king hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh33333 was added, before later being changed to a statue of EPICMON999.
On December 15th of 2019 island of Whitecrest was updated, adding a park and additional houses. A statue of the former king hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh33333 was added, before later being changed to a statue of EPICMON999.
== See Also ==
== See Also ==


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