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409 bytes added ,  21:14, 6 November 2018
Created page with "Category:Ships {{ShipInfo |title = Sparrow |image = |Type = Cutter |Role = Escort |Hull Strength = 3300 |Max Cargo = 2 |Speed = 6 |Metal = 5 |Wood = 40 |Doubloons = 10..."

|title = Sparrow
|image =
|Type = Cutter
|Role = Escort
|Hull Strength = 3300
|Max Cargo = 2
|Speed = 6

|Metal = 5
|Wood = 40
|Doubloons = 1000
|Level = ?

{{ShipwrightSays|The Sparrow's increased maximum armament makes up for her lack of cargo capacity.}}

== Trivia ==
* Named for the [ family of birds].



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