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755 bytes added ,  07:26, 23 December 2018
Created page with "Category:Ships {{ShipInfo |title = Atlas |image = Atlas.png |Type = Indiaman |Role = Mercantile |Hull Strength = 18000 |Max Cargo = 18 |Speed = 6 |Other = Storage for 10..."

|title = Atlas
|image = Atlas.png
|Type = Indiaman
|Role = Mercantile
|Hull Strength = 18000
|Max Cargo = 18
|Speed = 6
|Other = Storage for 100 Cannon Balls

|Metal = 200
|Wood = 900
|Doubloons = 84000
|Level = 10

{{ShipwrightSays|The Atlas's awesome cargo capacity and armament more than makes up for her lack of speed.}}

== Summary ==

The Atlas is the highest level mercantile ship in the game, with an extremely high cargo capacity and a very large profile.

== Trivia ==

The Atlas has the highest cargo capacity out of all the ships in the game.

The Atlas is quite vulnerable at its bow and stern due to lack of cannons protecting those regions combined with its slow turn speed.

== See Also ==


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