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The '''Freeport Games''' were a periodic recurring event which has since been replaced by the [[Burkeland Royal Games]]. Each faction selected and sent a group of players to compete in a set of various tournaments which varied between each Games. Competitions followed a bracket matchmaking, with the first, second, and third winners each receiving a gold, silver, or bronze trophy respectively unique to that set of Freeport Games. At the end of the games, whichever faction has won the most gold trophies is declared the winner, with ties being broken by the number of silver trophies. While the trophies/capes awarded from the first three sets of Freeport Games were originally tradeable, this was changed on April 24th of 2020 so they can no longer be given away or sold. All trophies from the Freeport Games IV and Freeport Games V were untradeable from release.
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible"
|+Freeport Games I
!Gold Winner(s)
!Gold Faction
!Silver Winner(s)
!Silver (Faction)
!Bronze Winner(s)
!Bronze Faction
|'''Mortar Competition'''
|Kagaros, WilkosGaming
|Nova Balreska
|PwnzorSausage, VexingAltruist
|bacaloww, Pavalix
|'''Sparrow Fight'''
|Hahaboomman1234, ptd007, bacaloww
|UnstoppableAnarchy, snpr1234, rayalot
|david89091, gtpower3, Overcaster
|Nova Balreska
|Zoulvengence, Mathew432
|Nova Balreska
|CoalCart123, geo13692
|Aishow11, K3tchupMan
|Nova Balreska
|Nova Balreska
|Nova Balreska
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible"
|+Freeport Games II
!Gold Winner(s)
!Gold Faction
!Silver Winner(s)
!Silver (Faction)
!Bronze Winner(s)
!Bronze Faction
|Nova Balreska
|'''Mortar Competition'''
|Fireball5176, davygunshot
|Asaelus. CitronFuser
|Nova Balreska
|AeronautYuFan3, Waldolover64
|'''Sparrow Fight'''
|wantingblob, jus23228, ExtremelyUnlucky
|SentientDakimakura, Hatcheye, hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh33333
|CitronFuser, HairyPottyMoldyMort, Pkkchampion
|Nova Balreska
|snpr1234, Fireball5176, Actuation, AquaWasTaken, GrandmasterHelios, legolegolego456
|CitronFuser, Andrew_Egerer, ChuckyCharlie, Hairypottymoldymort, tram47, BakIava
|Nova Balreska
|jus23228, ianlegendstone, Waldolover64, ZephyrThrone, Giieko, AerorautYuFan3
|'''Capture the Fort'''
|snpr1234, darklordx123, GrandmasterHelios, jacksmall21, Actuation
|AyeeAlpha, EpicDogMan10, Hatcheye, IntoDankness, I_otty
|ianlegendstone, Waldolover64, SgntCraft1, Joetrax, ThePotatoSquad0
|Nova Balreska
|'''Neptune Battle'''
|DansbyVithkren, TacticalCarrot, Cemonox, XxDannyboy921, ZephyrThrone
|darklordx123, DaTwinkieStar, Ephemeral08, jacksmall21, TheVigilante
|I_otty, 99504man, EpicDogMan10, IntoDankness, punchingtiara
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible"
|+Freeport Games III
!Gold Winner(s)
!Gold Faction
!Silver Winner(s)
!Silver (Faction)
!Bronze Winner(s)
!Bronze Faction
|'''Mortar Competititon'''
|Hatcheye, ExtremelyUnlucky
|PancakesandSyrup12, Wiross
|UnstoppableAnarchy, Valkroth
|'''Widgeon Battle'''
|Nova Balreska
|'''Koi Race'''
|purifiedwater14, gavegast123
|jason_chamberlain, jay_chamberlain
|Pavalix, CoalCart123
|'''Obstacle Course'''
|Nova Balreska
|'''Royal Game of Ur'''
|'''Raider Battle'''
|Nova Balreska
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible"
|+Freeport Games IV
!Gold Winner(s)
!Gold Faction
!Silver Winner(s)
!Silver (Faction)
!Bronze Winner(s)
!Bronze Faction
|'''Sparrow Battle'''
|'''Mortar Competition'''
|ExtremelyUnlucky, Hatcheye
|SnoozyAj, v0ws
|FrancoTanko1738, RustySquirrel
|'''4v4 Land Battle'''
|Nova Balreska
|'''Ur Tournament'''
|Nova Balreska
|'''Koi Race'''
|gavegast123, Kircata
|TheOldValyrian, Sunnyboi1274
|Nova Balreska
|ExtremelyUnlucky, SupremeMasterLuc
|'''Shortsword Tournament'''
|'''Carronade Osprey Battle'''
|Nova Balreska
|'''Tradelands Jeopardy'''
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible"
|+Freeport Games V
!Gold Winner(s)
!Gold Faction
!Silver Winner(s)
!Silver (Faction)
!Bronze Winner(s)
!Bronze Faction
|'''Mortar Competition'''
|Hatcheye, MelkorCollier
|ExtremelyUnlucky, ThePupper8
|FrancoTanko1738, Plane_Pilot0922
|'''Sparrow Battle'''
|TheBlueHali, ThatDudeGuyPerson, randomguy8648
|SquidTrain, thesupergamer25, chiken4lif, airplanefriday
|Nova Balreska
|orobloxian98, Huggable5678, SirTenithan, sebseb12345678910
|'''Koi Race'''
|1wwwdotrobloxdotcom1, Poutpout_army
|andrewv2006, SmashingPro999
|Kircata, Aurogen
|'''Shortsword Tournament'''
|'''Kraken Battle'''
|Maxithanicus, Marken_dono, DeutscherWald, 96ShadowMaster
|Troll3274, Giantbob321, Pancakesandsyrup12, meerkat55
|Nova Balreska
|Whizicksbro, loctony0709, teem077, fatcat051205
|'''4v4 Land Battle'''
|warysnake, EuphoriaUnity, Glerick1, andystorm
|bilharts, Quagga050, FlenTix, Master_Dannyboys
|CaptainLostic, xxXBluewingsXxx, RustySquirel, frogboy629455
|Nova Balreska
|'''War Koi Battle'''
|mackydd, Matthecomicguy, MODE0410, SupremeMasterLuc, fatbobby110
|AerorautYuFan3, jeroenvdkamp, NotSoDeeno, hezrock, NK9K
|WorldCastt, BombasticNation, jayjaytheriot, someone012010, Daber8912
|'''Ur Tournament'''
|Nova Balreska
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible"
|+Medal Totals
!Nova Balreska
|3G + 2S + 2B
|'''4G + 2B'''
|4S + 2B
|1S + 1B
|1G + 2S + 2B
|3S + 2B
|2G + 1S + 3B
|'''4G + 1S'''
|'''3G + 3S + 2B'''
|1G + 1S + 2B
|2G + 2S + 3B
|2G + 2S + 1B
|3G + 3S + 1B
|1S + 3B
|2G + 2S + 2B
|3G + 2S + 2B
|5G + 4B
|3S + 1B
|2G + 4S + 2B
|1G + 1S + 1B


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