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1,389 bytes added ,  15:42, 7 November 2018
Created page with "Category:Ships {{ShipInfo |title = Stiletto |image = |Type = Junk |Role = Multi-Purpose |Hull Strength = 11000 |Max Cargo = 10 |Speed = 7 |Metal = 80 |Wood = 520 |Doub..."

|title = Stiletto
|image =
|Type = Junk
|Role = Multi-Purpose
|Hull Strength = 11000
|Max Cargo = 10
|Speed = 7

|Metal = 80
|Wood = 520
|Doubloons = 45,000
|Level = 8

{{ShipwrightSays|The Serpent's junk-rigged sails make her easier to sail upwind.}}

The '''Serpent''' is a level 8 ship capable of a variety of unique roles. Her "Junk"-rigged sails allow her to sail quickly upwind-- faster than any other sailing vessel in the game, including the [[Marauder]] and most [[steam]]-powered vessels.

Her ability to sail upwind allows for easy access to lucrative sailing routes, which her moderately-high Cargo Capacity compliments even more. The Serpent is also fairly well-armed, carrying four Size 7 guns to a side, making her a dangerous foe to encounter as a lone trader. Boarding a Serpent may prove difficult for most invaders, as her high sides can only be accessed from the water by use of a ladder on each side of the hull.

Serpents struggle with poor maneuverability, and often will be unable to defend against an enemy once it becomes [[bowlocked]]/[[sternlocked]]. Her high profile allows for easy identification and an easy-to-hit target.

== Trivia ==
* Real-life Junk-rigged ships are just as effective upwind as square-rigged vessels. Junk rigging just allows for swifter deployment and stowing of rigging.



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