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Type Fifth-Rate
Role Combat
Hull Strength 40000
Speed 9
Turn Rate 8
Armament 20x Medium Cannon, 20x Heavy Cannon, 2x Medium Cannon (Bow), 2x Swivel Gun
Max Cargo 0
Round Shot Storage Storage for 500 Cannon Balls


Metal 1200
Wood 3800
Doubloons 5,000,000
Level MOD
Other 20x Pine Decking
Shipwright-Buddy.pngShipwright says... The Oberon is a mighty ship-of-the-line used by large factions in need of a serious punch.

The Oberon, also referred to as the Wgen owing to its backplate, is an extremely large, vastly overpowering warship with the highest damage output in the game when fully crewed, as well as the largest broadside of any ship in the game period. This ship is often used by large NPC factions in critical battles, serving as the fleet's biggest force. The massive crew size only further aids the ship by granting a bonus to its already monstrous health, compounded by its fast speed.


  • This ship can be seen in the shipyards on Burkeland.
  • The top deck has a bell like the one near the Freeport arena.
  • This ship is only available to game moderators.
  • Contrary to popular belief, the Oberon is not actually regularly capable of sailing backwards.

See also