Stiletto (Ship)

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Revision as of 02:30, 19 February 2021 by B3kithan (talk | contribs) (Added bullet points to the trivia section, updated the health, and updated information on the guns.)

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Stiletto (ship).png


Type Galleon
Role Interceptor
Hull Strength 9500
Speed 8
Max Cargo 7
Round Shot Storage Storage for 50 Cannon Balls


Metal 120
Wood 660
Doubloons 56000
Level 9
Shipwright-Buddy.pngShipwright says... The Stiletto's incredible speed makes her perfect for outrunning the enemy while still packing a punch.

The Stiletto is a solid combat ship that requires a relatively small crew to man to its full potential. Its unusually large guns (4x size 3 cannon slots, and an additional 2x size 2 cannon slots) allow it to hit hard despite its aforementioned small crew size. Along with a small crew and a big punch, the Stiletto is great going downwind. Although, going cross or upwind is not a viable option when helming this ship.


  • The Stiletto ship should not be confused with the Stiletto (Weapon).
  • The Stiletto is a very common combat ship, used by all playable factions in Tradelands.

See also